はりきゅう屋・せっこつ屋 ONE|台東区西浅草

台東区西浅草の鍼灸・整体「はりきゅう屋・せっこつ屋 ONE」は完全予約制・完全個室で痛みの少ない施術を実施し自然治癒力を高め、健康維持・自律神経症状を改善します。

ホーム ≫ English ≫

about acupuncture

  • Spreading the practice of acupuncture and moxibustion
  • Pain-free acupuncture treatment
  • Enhancing natural healing abilities
  • Identifying and treating the root cause of discomfort and pain
  • No worries for first timers
  • Minimal needles for maximum effect
  • By appointment only,private rooms
  • Although my English is not fluent,i will explain thoroughly
  • Acupuncture can be effective for pain and discomfort in the shoulders ,neck,arms,lower back,headaches,knees,feet,and other physical ailments
  • We use disposable needles made in Japan
  • The depth of the needles is within 2 centimeters
  • Insurance,including travel insurance,is not accepted
  • Credit card payments accepted
  • Please wear comfortable clothing
  • As there is only one bed,we can only accommodate one person at a time
  • We can only accommodate up to two people per visit.We cannot accept more than that
  • Please refrain from eating ond drinking in the waiting area
  • We will touch areas othre than the affected area for examination
  • We do not offer cosmetic acupunctre
  • Please respect your appointment time.If you are more than 15minutes late,please contact us
  • Please refrain from waiting in front of the store
  • Sameday cancellations are strictly not accepted
  • You may experience a healing crisis aftre treatment,but there is no need to worry
  • We absolutely do not perform tretments on individuals who have consumed alcohol
  • Please follow instructions.If you do not,you are responsible for any consequences
  • You may have bruising after treatment,but it will fade over time
  • Video recording during treatment is prohibited
  • If communication is difficult,we kindly ask you to refrain from visiting
  • As our facility is not barrier-free,please consult us if you need assistance
  • If you have a tendency to bleed please refrain from visiting
  • Please contact us at least one hour before your appointment.Your appointment is confirmed upon receiving our reply
  • The last appointment of the day is accepted until 6 pm.
  •  Sessions are within 60 minutes
  • Price ¥8,500
  • Appointments can be made online



acupuncture tretment ¥8,500
same-day cancellations ¥1,500

※Same-day cancellations are not acceptrd.
   Depending on the situation,a cancellation fee may charged


はりきゅう屋 せっこつ屋 ONE

はりきゅう屋 せっこつ屋 ONE

〒111-0035 東京都台東区西浅草3-6-7


10:00-20:00   × ×



日曜・祝日 その他不定期で休診もございますのでお問い合わせください。




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